Schlagwort-Archiv: Amboina

Amboina, 2 July 1893

Today in the morning were were again surprised, after we had enjoyed the sight of the sun the day before, by a heavy downpour so that we had to remain calm in our cabins. The land was barely visible as everything was fully enveloped by fog and clouds.

After mass we stood around in groups in front of the cabins and looked up to the grey sky whether the rain would ever stop. But there was no hope for today. Still I drove out to the sea gardens again in the afternoon to fish some corals with my people.

Then I paid a final visit to the resident’s family. The whole park near the palace had been turned into a lake. The main topic of conversation naturally was the rain.


  • Location: Amboina
  • ANNO – on 02.07.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Vater und Sohn“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.

Amboina, 1 July 1893

When the weather had cleared up and the sun glanced through the mist of the mountains, the resident invited me to visit in the morning the famous sea gardens praised by many natural scientists. They are about half an hour to the North of Amboina in the small bay of Batoe Mera close to the coast. While two gentlemen went on land to supervise the loading of the ethnographic collection, the barge quickly took me, Wurmbrand and the resident to the place.

Here numerous small white and red coral islands towered on the sea ground at a depth of 4 to 5 m which were completely visible due to the transparency of the sea water. Among them appeared all kinds of colorful Radiata, shells, algae and vividly moving multi-colored small fish.  The most varied forms, glittering colors and delicate shades of all this forms and beings created the impression as if one watched at a garden down there shined upon by the sun and reflected in the sea water. As lovely as this view was, I still felt quite disappointed. I had heard and read too much about the sea gardens of Amboina. Having recently seen the wonders of unknown coral structures at a large scale and in gorgeous splendor in the Solomon islands and in New Guinea I could not award the first place to the sea gardens of Amboina. Furthermore many structures here were broken or destroyed by the frequent plundering natural scientists and natives whereas there everything remained intact and in a natural state to be seen by one’s delighted eyes.

The raja of the village Batu Mera nearby appeared in a festively decorated prau with many oarsmen to greet me. While drummers and flutists on the prau produced horrible music on the prau and we had to eat a pineapple offered by the raja, some of the natives dived for corals that they put in my boat.

We could also witness a fishing demonstration which the friendly resident had organized in my honor in the bay that was extremely rich in fish of various species. The Amboinese usually go out at night to fish with fishing rods and bring their catch at 6 o’clock in the morning to the Amboinese market. The use of trawls and ground nets could make truly interesting and educating catches but the people for whom the quantity of the catch is the most important element have other inferior methods to catch fish. One method uses a labyrinth of tubes and bamboo sticks that is set up at the coast and ends in a bag. At high tide, the fish enter into the bag and are caught as soon as the low tide arrives. Another method uses a trawl at the edge of the coast which then drives the fish toward the land where they are caught. Naturally one only catches small specimens with this method. But the species are so numerous that I was very astonished to see such a variety of fish here as I had soon completely filled the two large alcohol containers with the most rare specimens that distinguished themselves by their vivid colors and their often adventurous square, round or fully lancet-like forms. Two poisonous fish were also among them whose sting is said to be deadly within ten minutes. Understandably we transferred these specimen with great caution into the container.

On board of „Elisabeth“ I found the complete gorgeous collection that the resident had given me as a present already stacked in my living room. The ship was surrounded by traders who offered for sale living parrots, cassowaries, deer and monkeys, then shells, corals and knick-knack made out of nutmeg flowers.

The weather had fully cleared up and one could now assess today how beautiful the picturesque bay of Amboina in a more favorable season would be. The clear afternoon soon lured me back on land where I made a stroll through the town, luckily not recognized and without a cortege of boys singing „three cheers to him“. At dinner we enjoyed the company of the resident who was enchanted by the melodies of our ship band and by the champaign which he had had to do without for a long time and remained on board until a late hour, told many interesting things about his life on the islands, about the native morals and customs.


  • Location: Amboina
  • ANNO – on 01.07.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Fräulein Frau“ and „Der sechste Sinn“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.

Kajeli to Amboina, 30 June 1893

For today’s drive our steam boat had departed already at 4 o’clock in the morning and at first anchored next to the land tongue of Lissaletta at 6 o’clock. For a moment a blue sky looked down upon us but soon the firmament was overshadowed and a tropical rain poured down. In comparison with this the famous Salzburg rods of rain („Schnürlregen“) is but a drizzle.

On the spot where we landed, close to some fishermen’s huts, the „outstanding“ guides of the hunt of the day before and a group of drivers with dogs were waiting for us.  We climbed up on a hill where the usual large discussion took place. After its conclusion the drivers first moved out and then the shooters in different directions.

To my great astonishment, the number of shooters had greatly increased as some undefined individuals armed with adventurous guns joined us who were said to act as defenders in the hunt when I asked about their purpose. Despite the fact that we had keenly expressed with words, gestures, pleas and orders not to release the dogs and to keep quiet on the way to the hunt, we heard their ongoing shouts and cries in the forest and soon the dogs too started to bark and drove a deer calf close to us but I did unfortunately miss it.

The terrain had a very different character than that of yesterday’s hunt. I might say it looked Australian as in the tall grass there rose individual trees, now and then there were steep ledges that suddenly dropped down to the sea. Then there were again denser wood areas with a liana-like undergrowth.

A one-hour march took us to our positions whose line formed a semi-circle where we had hardly taken up positions when the shouts of the drivers were heard who were tasked to drive game towards us. I took up position on the outermost spot on the right wing. Below me was the defense with the numerous „wild“ shooters. For a long time nothing was visible while above my position many shots were fired. Finally I saw in short intervals some wild boars move at a large distance through the tall grass below my position, but one could see those animals only for moments. I tried my luck with a few shots and also hit one strong two-year-old animal that was found dead during the next drive. A single piece killed by me turned out to have been already wounded by another shooter.

After the end of the tedious drive it became clear that nearly all shots had been fired by native shooters who in fact had a good field of fire but truly without any results, having fired much grain at game, among it also a good deer. The defense below my position had also joined in the hunt but only managed, gesticulating wildly, to drive in a live deer calf which the dogs had stopped in front of the shooters.

The Dutch seemed, if I may conclude from my experiences on Java and now here, not very apt in hunting and the organization of a hunt. At least there was a complete mess during the three drives that were undertaken. We may have been positioned but mostly in the wrong places or only after the drivers had already moved past. Nobody was directing the whole, each native wanted only to shoot himself and the drivers walked instead of through the thicket, shouting loudly, one after the other alongside the shore. To this confusion the flood-like rain may have also contributed.

I regreted the failure due to the mentioned ills all the more as in the overgrown ledges there seemed to be plenty of game according to the tracks. Not a single babirussa was caught.

As we could see that the drivers had grown weary about the hunt and there was no order, we turned our attention to the world of the numerous birds present and bagged a sizeable number of large grey and yellow pigeons as well as multiple parrots. I was so happy to catch three predators in a short time by accident, namely a mighty white-breasted sea eagle (Haliaetus leucogaster) with a white body, striped tail and pigeon-grey wings that had landed on a high branch. Then an osprey (Pandion leucocephalus), very similar to the European one, and a falcon (Falco moluccensis), which resembled our kestrel but was more intensively colored. The latter two had been flying over me during the drives.

The rain continued to grow stronger. Finally the soaked cartridges could no longer be inserted into the rifle barrels and thus the retreat call was sounded and we returned on board to drive back directly to Amboina.

We had hardly left the bay of Kajeli when we were received by the high sea waves in the Strait of Manipa that threw our small steam boat around so violently that one after another left the company on deck and disappeared into the cabin only to emerge when wer arrived back in Amboina with an important delay. Totally battered and shaken we returned on board of „Elisabeth“. Staying there, however, was not particularly agreeable as coal was still being loaded on board and everything was wet from the pouring rain.


  • Location: Amboina
  • ANNO – on 30.06.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Fesseln“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.

Kajeli, 29 June 1893

An eight-hour night drive brought us to the East coast of the island of Buru where we anchored in the bay of Kajeli next to the town of the same name.

To our surprise there was no rain today but beautiful sunshine in whose radiance the bay of Kajeli presented a very charming picture. In the distance we could see a mighty mountain whose peak was almost completely enveloped in clouds and which the natives call a „holy mountain“ as its top has never been touched by a European foot. The Eastern promonitory of Kajeli were two cone-shaped mountains called „mother and daughter“ while the mountain descends to the coast at a soft slope.

Kajeli itself lies in a swampy plain criss-crossed by small streams and is covered with mangrove trees. The plain extends to the land tongue of Lissaletta that limits our view on the right.

The post master and the commander of the fort Defentie appeared on board to arrange the program for the next two days with the resident according to which Kajeli would be first visited and then birds would be hunted. This met my special applause as Buru, like all Maluku islands, was known for its richness and diversity of its bird world. For the second day a hunt for deer, wild boars (Sus celebensis) and hairy babirusa (Babirussa alfurus) was planned. The strange babirussa is found outside its mainland of Celebes only on Soela, Mangoeli and Buru and is a very strange and rare animal with two pairs of tusks grown together above the snout. Understandably I desired to kill such an animal.

After the end of the discussion we drove on land and had to be carried in decorated chairs by coolies over the water to a triumphal arch as the boats could not land due to the muddy shore. The dignitaries of Kajeli received us festively.

The post master, the highest ranking government official on Buru, is not only in charge of the district of Kajeli but also a large part of the island that is divided in areas ruled by rajas. As post masters usually are appointed native just like in Dobo and also the commander of the small, semi-decayed fort and the mayor of Kajeli were pure-blood Malays.

Among the crowd I especially noticed two Alfures who had come from Ceram with trading goods. They looked stronger and better built than their Malayan relatives. Characteristic was their ferocity with which they provocatively glanced around. In contrast to the Amboinese, they were only wearing a loincloth made out of palm bast on which the Alfures use to mark the number of heads they have captured by colored rings. It is well known that the Alfures even today go on manhunts in Ceram armed with very sharp kris and spears made out of ironwood. Thanks to the courtesy of Baron van Hoevell I came into possession of many characteristic Alfurian ornaments and weapons.

As I thought that the morning hours were especially suitable for hunting birds I shifted the visit of the town Kajeli to a later time and asked the post master and the controller of Amboina who were in charge of the expedition on Buru to point out the best hunting grounds to me. After prolonged discussion which included the consultation of the best hunting expert of Kajeli — by the way, a suspicious looking individual wearing a worn black coat and a black hat  — it was recommended to us to drive to a land tongue as there would be parrots of five different species.

The time required for the drive to that land tongue was estimated at two hours. But instead of choosing the steamers, surely the fastest and most practical means of transports, the organizers of the excursion had opted to use sailing praus. Due to the complete lack of wind the sails could not be used so that the praus had to be moved by oars. Further delay was caused by the quickly increasing heat which soon tired the oarsmen.

Despite all this we finally reached our destination after a protracted drive and thought that now the hunt would soon start — but here too there were all kinds of discussions necessary. Finally the hunting expert took charge and advanced about 400 paces along the coast until we reached a point where at a shallow spot there were large tree trunks in the sea. Here there were some seagulls, sandpipers and plovers but at such large a distance that it was impossible to take a shot at them. Only Clam who had waded closer managed to bring back a harmless tern as the only catch.

Soon the people explained to us that the hunt was over now and that we could return to Kajeli, as there were no parrots here and also it made no sense to wait for pelicans which the hunting expert had believed to find here. Entering into the mangrove forest would be impossible too due to the swamp. Rather angry that we had thus lost a morning we had to spend the next two hours being rowed back to Kajeli in the midday heat but we landed outside of it as we decided to go hunting on our own in the woods surrounding the settlement.

Here everything looked dead and quiet at first. In the muggy heat no bird wanted to move and only gorgeous butterflies of all sizes and colors were fluttering around. The forest was not contiguous and closed but alternating with open areas of coarse grass called „kusu-kusu“. In the wooden areas in this terrain stood palm trees namely the fibrous sago palm (Pigafetta filaris), ficus  and eucalyptus trees in whose shadow I waited for some time until bird voices were to be heard again. Even though I hunted until the evening, our catch was not very rich: I bagged only two parrots of different species, one in green, the other in red (Tanygnathus megalorhynchus and Eos rubra), as well as a specimen of a gorgeous white, actually light-yellow fruit pigeon (Myristicivora melanura), finally a mysterious flier (Macropteryx [Dendrochelidon] mystacea) with long white hairs under the bills and some smaller birds. My gentlemen only caught two pigeons and a large grey fruit pigeon with metallic green wings (Carpophaga perspieillata) and a small green and yellow colored Pompadour green pigeon (Osmotreron aromatica) with a grey head.

In the hunting terrain I could examine a strange example of the manner in which the natives here build paths. I had asked my guide to bring us back to Kajeli by the shortest route as the sun was already low on the horizon. This proved to be a well traveled straight „linea recta“ path but which crossed a small river twenty-four times which we had to wade across every time for want of bridges. But this did not trouble me much as my stay in the tropical region had acquainted me with wading streams, rivers and swamps on a daily basis, in rain or not, and becoming soaked.

The short time left before the approach of darkness I used to visit Kajeli and the house of the post master. The settlement offered little that was notable with the exception of the semi-decayed fort whose low walls, it is said, are built upon the foundations dating from the Portuguese rule. The post master gave me in his house the skulls of two fully grown babirussas as a present and brought out three living cuscus that looked comically with their large goggle eyes. I immediately had them sent on board. Cuscus (Phalanger) are strange marsupials from the Austro-Malayan region and are divided into five species.

The evening was spent on board where again a case of sickness had to be noted as Hodek had become a victim of the fever.


  • Location: Amboina
  • ANNO – on 29.06.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Dorf und Stadt“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.

Amboina, 28 June 1893

Officially, that is according to the Dutch government, the island whose capital we were now going to pay a visit is called Amboina as is the capital, but the natives and the resident Europeans as well as the German geographers of the New School always call the island Ambon or Amboin. This word is said to be derived from the language of the Alfures, the aboriginal inhabitants of the Maluku islands to which Amboina in fact belongs and has the same meaning as the word for „fog“ and only was pronounced differently by the Portuguese in the above manner. The name is explained by the aspect that the island is covered for a good part of the year in dense fog and in fact this was just the exact view offered when we arrived there: Grey impenetrable fog covered the island when we entered the bay of Amboina at 7 o’clock in the morning in the pouring rain.

The island of 998 km2 has around 30.000 inhabitants of which 11.566 were Christians. It is part of the Dutch residency of the same name that includes the whole Southern group of the Maluku islands, the Banda islands and other islands. Amboina, Southwest of Ceram, East of Boeroe, consists of two peninsulas, a larger long-winded, besteht  Northwestern one and a smaller Southeastern one. The first one is named Hitoe, the latter Leitimor. Both peninsulas are only connected by a sand strip no wider than 1.5 km with sea bays on both sides. The Western one called Amboina Bay enters in a Northeastern direction towards the mentioned isthmus and provides shelter on its Eastern shore for the excellent harbor on which the capital Amboina is located. The second bay turned toward the South-west called Bagoeala Bay is much smaller and cuts less deeply into the land.

Despite the heavy rain, the impression that the land on both sides of the long-winded bay made on us was a very good one and automatically reminded us about the hills and mountains of the Danube near Grein and near the eddy. Similar to there, here too green mountains with deeply cut valleys an gorges appear, and each hill constitutes something whole on its own, the slopes are interrupted by bare spots which here are not covered in emerald green meadows at home but covered with alang-alang. Instead we had imagined Amboina, both the harbor and the town as the most important trading place and base of the Dutch rule in the East of the Malaysian archipelago, to be quite different than what we saw at the entrance into the harbor. In the harbor lay with the exception of the small government steamer „Arrant“ that was performing police services in the islands of the Amboina group, not a single ship. The town itself presented itself on first sight as a small and unimportant trading place so that the hopes of those gentlemen sank who expected to spend a few comfortable days and an enjoyable life here after the bad times spent on the Solomon islands, New Guinea and on Aru.

The saying „The early bird catches the bird“ did not to be known among the Amboinese. When the harbor captain and the pilot did not make an appearance but were satisfied to send a small Malay on board of „Elisabeth“ who however did not feel comfortable in his position as assistant pilot. A peculiarity of the harbor is its great depth so that soundings the edge of the shore still read as 20 to 30 fathoms. For the time being no anchor was dropped but the ship was provisionally moored to a weak buoy and we were waiting for somebody to show up to inform us about anchorage, loading coal etc. By and by a number of tiny canoes were swarming around us, crewed by Amboinese an Chinese who curiously stared at the ship and, as practical merchants, held up a large number of certificates in various languages.

In reply to the territorial salute of „Elisabeth“, the guns of the fort thundered across the sea — siege guns of ancient vintage and giant size whose handling required much effort by the crew and much time so that he pieces were only able to greet us out of their iron mouths with ceremonial breaks in between.

Finally the harbor captain and an official of the resident made their appearance. The former to show us our anchorage at the coaling station and the latter to announce the visit of the resident, Baron van Hoevell, who shortly afterwards came on board.

We mostly discussed the program for the next days and I much appreciated the proposal to undertake an excursion on the island of Buru. During  the conversation we learned that Baron van Hoevell had been serving for 25 years in Dutch East India, the last two years as resident of Amboina and that he would return home after two more years to take up a professorship at a university. That a man who has served in an executive function in the colonial administration and in an important position desires to occupy a professorship and spend his retirement years to further science is without doubt a rare case. This intention of the resident I found strange at first but seemed to me to become understandable the more I spoke with him as Baron van Hoevell is an incredibly well read man with a wealth of experience who has an impeccable reputation as an ethnologist and is an expert in this field for many matters about the Malaysian islands. He has journeyed across them repeatedly and researched some of their parts, especially the Maluku and Aru islands closely and described them in remarkable monographs. To have met this dignified researcher and to have been told much strange facts and personal observations increased my interest.

During the visit of the resident, the wind had turned so that the ship was driven with the stern against the land and it was feared that the ground might be touched by the rudder. „Elisabeth“ therefore moved under steam in front of the town and was moored on a wooden mole of the coal depot to the South-west of the town in order to load coal. This maneuver proved difficult, especially as the cables of one anchor that was to be dropped in the stern had intermingled themselves among the propeller and could only be untangled by a diver. The ship also had only half a meter of water below its bottom due to the low tide and the ship’s important draft. The apparatus to load coal looked rather primitive. As other equipment was lacking the coal had to be loaded in baskets over a wooden bridge into the battery and then on deck. As the seven day journey to Sarawak required 500 tons of coal, it was feared that the loading of the coal would take many days to complete.

Accepting an invitation of the resident, I landed in the afternoon when the rain had a bit relented at Fort Victoria where  Baron van Hoevell was awaiting me with the military commander and some officials. This fort is an ancient building whose walls have suffered partly from earthquakes, especially that of 1705, partly from the decay resulting from the passing time. Its origin lays at the beginning of the Dutch East India company. Its coat of arms is still visible on all walls of the fort. As garrison serves a part of a garrison infantry battalion and part of a company of foot artillery of the Dutch colonial army. The uniform and arms are the same as that of the troops we had seen on Java.

We found ourselves agreeably disappointed when a visit of the town showed us that Amboina extended far larger than the view of the harbor might lead one to expect. From there we could only see the business district. The other parts of the town is divided by straight broad roads lined with trees and hedges. The roads cross at right angles and thus form square or rectangular blocks enclosed by gardens and under luxurious trees out of which rise villas and houses while in the background of this garden town there are hills.

The native Amboinese are often called so in ethnographic works and included among the East Malays and according to researchers are a mix of at least three races, namely Malay, Portuguese and Papuans or Ceramese with occasional inclusions of Chinese and Dutch. The Alfures who are said to be the original inhabitants of the Maluku islands were for a long time thought to be a special race similar to the Papuans but recently it was realized that part of the Alfures is accounted by the mix among Malays and Papuans and that a large part of Alfures are actually pure Malays. Whatever the truth may be, the Amboinese reminded me with their small delicate stature, their yellow skin and the slanted eyes vividly of Javanese.

The Amboinese are mostly Christian, in part they worship Islam. The Christians are called Oran Sirani (Nazarenes). The native Christian population which has strong Portuguese elements can be easily externally distinguished  as both men and women wear black clothes. This is probably in memory of their ancestors who wore the festive black in which the Portuguese would have arrived at the turn of the 17th century and made a huge impression. The Portuguese influence lasted from the discovery of Maluku (1512) to the start of the 17th century during which they occupied Amboina and has also influenced the language of the Amboinese as even today a good number of Portuguese words are used for things of everyday life.

Besides these parts of the population we saw a strong Chinese colony on Amboina that here too managed to turn all trade into their monopoly as well as a large number of Arabs which can be immediately recognized by their turban, their long clothes and their dignified walk. Finally there is naturally a Dutch colony.

The total number of inhabitants of the town is 8063 souls among them 788 Europeans and 4529 native „citizens“.

As far as buildings are concerned, the houses of the Europeans need to be mentioned which are similar to the Dutch houses on Java. They are also single storey, airy, have verandas and surrounded by gardens and painted white.  Right to the last corner, they are extremely clean. The huts of the natives resemble those of the Javanese Kampongs where bamboo, palm fibers and fletching serve as building material — all without using a single iron nail — and even the roof frame is kept together and fixed with strong fiber ropes.

The government building in Batoe Gadjah has been set out with large wasted spaces and in fact in a style which I would call „Dutch-Javanese“. It has a single floor with numerous open verandas and is surrounded by a well kept park with many streams and a deer herd that made it very agreeably vivid.

At the entrance they had built a triumphal arch in my honor where the received me in an original manner. Next to it stood the Chinese dignitaries of the town with large colorful banners with golden characters. Up to the door of the residence a strange corps stood at attention: an Amboinese dancing group in fantastic costumes that performed bizarre war and joy dances accompanied with pipes and drums as soon as we approached. These dances were so beautiful and wild that our horses immediately shied and absolutely could not be made to advance between the vividly moving noisy rows of the dancers.

Each artist was wearing pants with red flower motives, a white pleated shirt ornamented on the breast a sash with pearls and gold decorations and as a headdress an enormous paper helmet that formed point in the front on which rose a giant bush of feathers from birds of paradise, pigeons and roosters. Around the chin and the ears was bound a white cloth which gave the impression as if all the dancers suffered from toothache. In their hands they carried very narrow conical shields.

Thus equipped, the very earnest looking and thus all the more comical group jumped and whirled around like mad so that we could not refrain from smiling despite all efforts. While the Amboinans and Chinese were still parading past me,  Baron van Hoevell presented me to his wife and her sisters and then accompanied me immediately afterwards into the very interesting ethnographic museum. The content of which, all consisting of objects the resident had acquired during his stay in the Malayan archipelago, showed his expertise in the choice of objects and their arrangement. Here I found curiosities which even the museum in Batavia did not have. Especially richly represented were the Maluku islands in the van Hoevell collection and among it especially again Ceram; weapons, jewelry, fetishes, domestic tools — everything was represented here in rare and in part very valuable exemplars. What was namely remarkable to me were the numerous highly detailed models of Malayan praus, junks, boats and canoes that were exact copies of the original in the tiniest detail.

In large containers was a rich collection of the shells of the Maluku Strait and the Sea of Banda. To my great joy, Baron van Hoevell presented me the whole collection as a gift with the intent that he would be pleased if it could be exhibited in my country. The collection can justly be called a treasure, has been precisely cataloged and runs to more than 1000 numbers. The resident added to this present also a large number of specimens of birds of paradise from New Guinea and the Aru islands among them specimens from species of which I had only known their name.

Until the start of the dinner in the government building and while the ladies were refreshing themselves for it, I tried a stroll through Amboina but soon had to stop and flee as hundreds of boys crying and shouting were accompanying me and constantly singing in Dutch the well known song „Long may he live“ to the amusement of the onlookers. Soon the adults joined the procession and I considered it better, as the enthusiasm of the youth continued to increase, to go back to the park.

Before the dinner a few singers produced themselves presenting the anthem and then a number of concert pieces in a very successful manner whereas a music band of native artists did not likewise meet my approval as their presentation were too similar to those of the gypsies whose melodies I do not manage to find tasteful.

The dinner ended only at a late hour after which we and the resident embarked on the government steamer „Arrant“ to drive during the night to the island of  Buru where we intended to stay for the next two days. The small steamer „Arrant“ that had only been constructed a short time ago in Amsterdam did not look promising from the outside as its tiny tonnage did not stand in relation to the ship’s height. The interior design, however, was very practical, spacious and as always with the Dutch very clean. As the steamer is assigned to police duty in the islands it is on the move all year long and only stays a few days in the harbor of Amboina.

The rain that had started in the mean time ended even before we left the harbor and the glittering moon watched friendly through the clouds when Amboina disappeared out of our sight.


  • Location: Amboina
  • ANNO – on 28.06.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Ein Volksfeind“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.
  • On 28th June 1914, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered during a visit to Sarajevo. Their death would trigger the First World War.